Executive Summary Writing Training

Learn how to write winning Exec Summaries

Executive Summary Writing Training

Half day course | £300+VAT Per Person

We navigate the arts and sciences of writing compelling executive summaries and discuss why they should be totally focussed on your client, not you.

The content follows best practices covering how to develop your win strategy / messaging and then how to communicate that to clients through the development of a compelling executive summary.

Delivered over half a day or two interactive webinars.

  • Win Strategy

    • Client need and insight

      • The ‘What’ – what the client needs

      • The ‘Why’ – why they need it

      • Hot Buttons – what is important

    • Environmental analysis

      • Relationships – who’s who and influence

      • Competition - what we need to defend against and attack

      • SWOT – what do we maximise and mitigate

    • Proposition development - Why you?

      • Differentiators - why are we different in the detail?

      • USPs - our ‘Big Ticket’ value points

    • Value Propositions

    • Accelerated Value Proposition development (for shorter bid periods)

    Executive Summary development

    • Overview

    • Best practices, including client focus

    • Structure

    • Drafting

    • Dos and don’ts

    • Review

Executive Summary Writing Training

How we deliver

The programme is bespoke to you, with engagement prior to delivery on the types of opportunities / tenders you face, key issues / areas for improvement etc.

Private MS Teams and video recordings available

The cohort are assigned a private MS Teams site where materials are placed in advance of sessions, homework / research is set between each session, interaction can take place during the week and the recordings are placed for catch up or referring back to.

Each session is recorded with videos available to the cohort for three months after the sessions to refer back to.

Growth Ignition delivers bespoke programmes

ready to level up your Executive Summary writing?

Get in touch for details of our Executive Summary Writing Training