
news, blogs, podcasts, case studies and more

Blog Jeremy Brim Blog Jeremy Brim

Blog 8 - A top work winning tip blog - Beware of Optimism Bias

In the end game of the competitive bidding phase, it is crucial to acknowledge that biases are inherent in human behaviour. Our biases influence our decision making, particularly optimism bias. Humans tend to underestimate the effort required for tasks like writing bids or bid qualifications and overestimate their chances of winning.

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Blog Jeremy Brim Blog Jeremy Brim

Blog 7 - Personal Development is Personal

Nobody's coming to save you. No one's coming to do it for you. No one's going to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams or get that promotion. You have to go and take it yourself. You have to go and do that development yourself.

Personal Development is up to you

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Capture Training, KAM Training, Process Design Jeremy Brim Capture Training, KAM Training, Process Design Jeremy Brim


Throughout 2025, we undertook a programme of work with Mace, the world renowned super brand in construction delivery and consulting.

They bought us in initially for a programme to support the development of new capture management processes and then training their people and developing digital content for their people to learn from in their approach for positioning for and shaping deals with clients.

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Blog Jeremy Brim Blog Jeremy Brim

Blog 6 - USPs have to be unique

USPs have to be unique

The clues in the title, you can't be fairly unique. You can't be a little bit unique. You're either unique or you are not.

When writing bids or tenders - your unique selling points have to be unique to you. Nobody else can have them or touch it. You could do with at least one, but ideally two or three USPs, particularly for key tenders.

If you can’t put your finger on anything valuable that’s genuinely unique about your proposition - you’re probably not going to win

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Blog Jeremy Brim Blog Jeremy Brim

Blog 5 - Compliance is King

In this blog Jeremy emphasises the critical importance of compliance in both the public and private sectors. He stresses that compliance is non-negotiable, as failure to comply results in lost bids and can impact career prospects. He advocates for a system where bid professionals ensure compliance but are not solely responsible for the outcome - making sure the business systematically ensures compliance and quality.

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Capture Training Jeremy Brim Capture Training Jeremy Brim


As well as looking at the APMP Capture Practitioner exam requirements and techniques, we also worked together to understand the application of Capture Planning within the Rullion business environment, which has been hugely valuable.

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optimising use of best practices through the funnel - KAM, Capture and Bidding

Vanessa joined Jeremy on our business growth program last year taking part in training sessions and content delivery across the sales funnel. She particularly found our training and conversations around key account management, capture and bid writing insightful.

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Blog Jeremy Brim Blog Jeremy Brim

Blog 2 - National Procurement Policy Statement

The UK government released its national procurement policy statement on Thursday. It in effect states the overarching objectives that all public bodies should be aligned with in their procurements from the 24th of February onwards. In this blog, we pick out a couple of key points to note.

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Advisory, KAM Training Jeremy Brim Advisory, KAM Training Jeremy Brim

Kier Infrastructure

Jeremy has been a trusted advisor to leaders in Kier Infrastructure for many years, supporting them across winning work and business growth. We have been on a journey to improve the basics of bidding and capture to now focusing on value creation in long term client partnerships.

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Blog Jeremy Brim Blog Jeremy Brim

Blog 1

We are mobilising a new weekly blog, going out each Friday by email to our subscribers and posted in our thoughts section of our website. These will wrap up what we have found working with clients and government in the week, news and issues of the day and guest content from industry and discipline leading lights. Do reach out if you would like to be a contributor in the future.

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Article Charley Scott Article Charley Scott

BQ 20 - A Christmas Vision

In this edition of Bid Solutions BQ publication, Jeremy Brim’s article “A Christmas Vision” offers advice on creating your career vision. Suggesting taking a step back to consider your ideal future life in terms of broad areas like income, personal life, and well-being, rather than focusing on specific jobs or companies.

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