The Red Review - The New Procurement Act Update webinar with Gemma Waring
In this episode, Jeremy is joined by procurement expert Gemma Waring. This follow-up session updated you on the latest news about the new Procurement Act, including the central digital platform and NPPS.
Download Gemma’s presentation deck here
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Welcome to the Red Review with me Jeremy brim the Red Review is brought to you by growth ignition the transformation and
capability development business all in the work wining space and the bid toolkit its product set in bid process
and training videos uh welcome everybody to this uh lunchtime uh lunch and learn I guess on
uh or update on the new procurement act uh so I'm Jeremy brim uh I lead growth
ignition um we are a transformation Consulting and capability development
business all in the work winning space so we help clients develop their processes performance environments and
measures uh across business planning marketing but particularly key account management capture and bidding um and
then we can train all of the people in those uh aspects and develop online
tools for them uh learning videos etc etc so we do that for many of the large
building contractors building consultancies but outsourcers it firms do a lot in nuclear and defense and all
sorts of things have a great time doing it and whilst uh doing that for the last six years uh obviously this new
procurement act malaky uh as a result of brexit has uh put its head above the parit and I
crossed paths with my friend Gemma here um I thought to myself do I go and try
and learn all about this stuff um am I possibly with life and business going to
be able would to keep up to speed with it and the answer was no um and so I thought I'd make friends with somebody a
grown-up who actually knows what they're talking about so welcome Gemma again thank you for coming
back would you mind just telling us a little bit about yourself uh whilst we're just waiting for people to log in
and things and then we will get underway yeah absolutely thank you for that it's uh it's not often I I'm the
appropriate adult in the room I'm usually looking for one myself um but yeah so my name is Gemma where I've
worked in the public sector procurement and tendering space for about 15 16 years now um and in that time I've gone
from doing just bid side to also doing procurement side as well so I've got
quite a unique perspective of seeing both sides of the table I'm still actively involved in managing carrying
out procurements still actively involved in uh preparing for writing and then
dissecting results in bids for for companies so uh I probably augment the
other sectors that that you didn't mention Jeremy so I I do a lot of stuff around Services Health Care education
skills employability uh things like that tend to be my focus areas when I'm I'm writing bids um but yeah I've been all
over the procurement act since it started its Journey as as a white paper a good number of years ago now coming up
to three years ago and have been actively involved for the last uh I'd say 18 months now in doing Road show
events and training and talks initially with public sector buyers and suppliers and now I'm actively supporting people
to prepare for changes so working with procurement teams on updating documents
changing standard operating procedures reviewing their workflows and the team structures and things like that to make
them uh ready to go for for for the ACT going live next February so uh I'm here
to give you an update on what's happened since we last had one of these little uh catch ups and there's some good news
there's some unknown still and there's there's not a lot of news I don't think but more gaps still than I I would
probably have hoped there to be at this point in in the year yeah well we we shall see I forgot to do the housekeeping bit Gemma so um yeah we'll
do that we have we have the Q&A and the chat open I've got both of those open
gemma's the show really so I I'll keep uh track of the Q&A and uh chat I can
see Christine had got her hand up would you mind Christine asking the question via chat or the Q&A um and then we will
pick that up for you as we go but do do feel free to ask questions in the Q&A we'll pick them up towards the end uh oh
it says the chat's disabled so you just have to use the Q&A apparently apologies I never get it right either the Q&A
doesn't work or the chat doesn't work sorry about that but you use the Q&A and uh we we'll Hoover those up at the end
unless I see one that's really pertinent and then I might interrupt but hopefully yeah go for it again so yeah J if you if
you want to share your screen and get into the show that would be great thank you very much okay brilliant thank you
for that and and as Jeremy said please do use that Q&A log as we go along and it's good in the Q&A log as well because
anything we don't get to answer today if we were close to time we can sort of download the questions and and answer
them all I'm not sure whether the initial question it usually is when I'm delivering online training is will we get a copy of the slides H that's
usually the first question I get the answer to that was probably yes but probably not in PDF format to not make
it easy for anybody to uh use them in your own team briefings you'll probably just get them in a PDF uh a after the
event um because there's a couple of links and stuff in there that I've put together for people to use for resource
material so it' be good if you if you got them uh but it will probably be PDF so first slide uh we've already done so
um we've already done our little introduction so you don't need to know any more about us um I'm going to go through this last time we did this there
was so much to say that I was like really I think we got really close to time and we didn't have a lot of time for questions at the end so I'm going to
be quite conscious of keeping an eye on the time this time and and keeping us on track so um it's been six months
actually since we did our last uh one of the these webinars and at that point in time we were moving towards a transition
date of the 28th of October uh for the ACT going live now the vast majority of
you online will probably be aware although not everybody is I've learned this week doing training and stuff still
with other people uh that it's not now planning to go live until the 24th of
February of next next year um the reason given for that was that there was an ancillary supporting bit of uh guidance
and document and policy called National procurement policy statement that needed to be redrafted um which I'll talk about
a little bit later on but in reality I think a lot of people are are maybe thinking it's more to do with the fact
that the central digital platform uh isn't quite where it needs to be from a developmental point of view and although
I can't comment on that because I don't work on any of the teams uh I I believe that myself to be the case because I
think that they are still having uh issues there around the interconnectedness between all of the E
senders like Delta proactis intend and this new Central digital platform and I will give you a little bit of an update
on that uh later on as well so we're heading towards the 24th of
February now one of the big props of the procurement act has been the additional
documents guidance and support uh that commercial service have put out um and
it's far reaching we've never had it before um however I think that most
people I speak to are telling me that they feel like it's got to a point of white noise uh it's information overload
there's new stuff getting released Here There and Everywhere You either catch some of it or you don't you got you know
a lot of people will see a bit of guidance print it off or bookmark it or leave a tab open and want to get round
to reading it but you never get to it's the same with emails you get and you're inboxed oh I'd like to look at that and then you never actually have time to do
it so there was this plan to roll out this huge amount of guidance and
documentation although primarily focused on the buyer Community uh so very very
little promised or expected for us suppliers I'm talking about my supplier
hat on today so they have released a lot more guidance and I've got links uh on
the next slide for you to pick up where you can find uh this information it's about 90% there a couple of sheets still
missing from the pack but the bulk of them have been produced so things like the new competitive flexible procedure
there's a there's a fact sheet on that the new approach to Frameworks Dynamic markets selection stage pre-market
engagement all of the major ones are done so that guidance is out there they also promised templates uh
which again is is a new strot and support for for procurement team so things like they're changing assessment
summaries uh to oh sorry no they're not changing in they changing standstill letters to assessments summaries I've
spent the last year trying to get my brain to remember which I'm talking about and now it's like procurement actors won the fight so now I tend to
talk about the procurement actors if it's live now which will stand me in good step next year but I have to keep correcting myself so they've got an
assessment summary template uh there's going to be a new process in place as well around conflicts of interests where
buyers have to State and record at the beginning and throughout the procurement process whether there's conf conflicts
uh arising and what mitigating actions they've taken um there are more templates to come though specifically
ones around things like there's supposed to be a whole pack of templates and information to help buyers enact that
new competitive flexible procedure so that's coming along but but not quite
there then we've got the central digital platform so this was the big one that everybody was waiting for so this is uh
if you're not familiar with it the central digital platform was going is going to be uh a build up en coding
terms from the find attender service so it will still be called find attender um
it's called Central digital platform and all of the the documentation and guidance just in case it changes name in
the future they don't have to go and reprint everything um so Central digital platform is like its generic
name it was supposed to be released in time for everybody to register on it and for it to be transactional with all the
new notices by the 28th of October and obviously that hasn't happened and just
this week on Monday there was a further release of information about it which I did a LinkedIn post about but I will go
over the content of that today as well and that's really critical because this
platform um is essential to to everything working and everything being able to go live it's it's Central to
compliance uh for buyers so so we need to make sure uh that it is ready to go
and I know that you know from sort of back office e senders are um a long way away in no not a long way
away a long way down the road I should say in terms of creating those new notices and and mix and putting them
together it I think it's the it's the crossover point and then they get so far down then someone'll Challenge and say
well that notice should have that in and that only gives you those options and that option's missing and then it all has to be redone and everyone's got to
recode it so it's it's been a much more complex process um than I think that
they ever anticipated um and you know people are already
starting to ask questions about whether the 24th of February will get pushed back um even further due to this given
that we're just about to ENT a crazy season and and you know not for us bid as we in terms of like we we're working
usually but you know it's it's holiday period then we get back it's January it
it just seems like timelines are getting a little bit tight so I'm sort of watching this
space then we had the national procurement policy statement which I will talk about what I think might
happen to it going forward um but that National procurement policy statement
was initially issued um however when there was the change in government and uh the labor party took uh Power they
decided to pull that National procurement policy statement and they want to reissue it uh with more of a
labor policy driven Focus uh so we'll look at that a little bit later on so a
couple of areas you can see we're nearing completion there but a couple of them still seem a bit of a way off and
there's no time frames again when that we have no exact date for when the platform will be ready we've got no
exact exact date for when that procurement policy statement will be reissued so we're a little bit of flux
and the problem with that is you know public sector suppliers um tend to just
we're very flexible very pragmatic we'll just deal with whatever is presented to us uh so you know the it's the buyers
that make making the big changes to their templates and processes and all that at the moment we'll just wait and see what tenders we get after the 24th
of February and react to them um but it's very hard for them to change uh
when they don't feel like they've got the full picture you know a lot of them kind of know what they're supposed to do but then they're thinking well I can't
go and design a competitive flexible procedure because I want to wait and see this template pack that's due out and
you know we want to register on the platform but we can't do that yet because we don't know what it looks like and we don't know who needs to be
involved in that in terms of the team and the resource and who's going to have access rights so it's it's all just
still in a little bit of a of a no man's land at the moment in terms of of of
making it all work so I've got the link here to those guidance documents if you click on that that uh page it will give
you access to every single one of the documents that are available which as I said there's only two or three that aren't currently
available there is a uh fact sheet on at the central digital platform so a
specific web page the one that was released on the 25th uh of November just this week so you can click on that and
have a look at that and you can also sign up uh to a newsletter for that particular page so in the future if
things change as it goes live as we're allowed to access it as suppliers uh you you should receive notification on that
page and just out of Interest as well we've got the sourcing Playbook so for people that aren't aware of this this is
the go-to how to guide for the vast majority um of public sector spend in
service and product category construction has a slightly different uh approaches as it often does because it's
just different in in the way it's procured um but they are currently reviewing and rewriting bits of this to
make sure it's fully compliant but it's it's just an interesting resource to kind of keep an eye on because again
when that gets updated that will give the buyers they're updated how to guide on on on enacting uh the procurement act
so as suppliers it can get you sort of that bit further in terms of your understanding of of what the buyers are
after so I hope that's okay for everybody I will just I will keep going I'm used to doing training where I stop
and pause and discuss so I'll I'll just keep going through um I wanted to look at open Frameworks
to start with so uh I think we mentioned in the last update that we did the the
changes that are coming in in regards to Frameworks is that there's going to be two different framework options going
forward for buyers to choose from our framework managers whoever whoever's running the framework they have a choice
to do a closed framework or an open framework so a closed framework is is exactly what we have now they run a
tendering competition to establish the framework it runs for four years it has established call-off mechanisms
established Lots number of suppliers Etc it's exactly what we have now the
difference with the open framework option if a buyer or framework manager chooses to use it is that they are then
allowed to run that framework for up to eight years but what they have to do is
within that eight-year period there's at least two trigger points where they have to uh refresh that framework they have
to open it back up to competition and this is one of the areas with the procurement act where the devil
sort of was was in the detail and it was kind of how does that work what does that look like then how do you reopen it
to competition and you know how do we still follow the the ethos and the requirements of of you know procurement
legislation and make that happen so there's been a little bit more clarity given on that and it's interesting
because I've spoken with a number of framework management companies individual buyers that manage Frameworks
and when they actually look at how they'd have to manage this open framework uh in my experience a 100% of
them have just said I can't understand why anybody would choose to do that so it's a bit of an area where there's been
an idea formed but when you actually take it all the way through to fruition it doesn't quite make sense in practice
in my opinion and so we'll see what people think of it so it's still established initially via a competitive
tendering process so under the new RS they can do the open or competitive flexible procedure to establish it um
you will also get your call off mechanisms uh established there can be broken down into Lots Etc uh it's got
those that that eight years but opening it uh a couple of years uh a couple of times sorry during those eight years and
then the first sort of trig trigger here terms of like why would I do this so the
whole purpose of of having this eight-year framework is where you've got common goods and services where largely
you rocore the framework every four years and you get the same Lots with the same suppliers on supplying the same
thing and it's it's to try and remove unnecessary procurement however um when
a buyer chooses to refresh that framework they then have to run a tender
notice and republish it and run a tendering exercise for any new applicants and they have to follow the
awarding procedure uh that they that they have to follow anyway to to establish the tender in in the the
framework in the first place so it's very difficult to then sort of understand where the benefit lies
because I've got eight years and instead of doing one competition four years it
expires do another one another four years over an eight-year period it's saying that it can open up another two
so so it's three lots of of tendering and procure rather than two over an 8year period those two open points as
well are only minimums so they can opt to do more so they could say we're going to refresh it every year or every two
years or whatever it is when they establish the the framework initially so it's very difficult to understand
logically why a buyer would choose to do that it all depends on how you refresh
so what does that refresh look like because you got the publication requirement there but how do we get people on and off the framework so what
they've given is is two scenarios so you've got an example where you've got a framework and whether it's broken down
into Lots it doesn't really matter but say you've got a framework and there's no limit on the number of
suppliers so that's really simple and easy so you do your initial
tender you award those suppliers a place on the framework when it comes to your first refresh point you render for it
and the people who are existing on it can either say just roll me over onto the next version of the framework if
that's one of the allowable options so you've just got an automatic carryover they can opt to say review my
previous bid and rescore it don't know why you would do that um but there you go um and then the final one is that you
can actually redo your tender and recompete with all of the new
people who are trying to get on the framework uh and and obviously in this example with there being no cut off
point it would obviously be everyone that meets whatever standard it is that's being set would then get a place
on the framework um so that that's you know in that instance what the buyer is
hoping is that everybody that's already on it will say yeah just roll me over onto the next one um and then anybody
they just have to you know maybe there's a couple of new bids that they have to evaluate to see whether those people get on however uh if this was three years or
say say at that secondary point in the framework say it's sort of year six or year seven you may well want to redo
your bid you might want to you know depending on what pricing you've put in or depending on what the questions have
been asked or what you've updated in your business or what you've changed in your solution or your business approach
uh you might want to redo your tender and I actually did a webinar with 30 different companies on and I did a poll
and said in this instance would you ever just roll over or just say take my past tender and uh I think it was 93% of
people on the webinar said absolutely not I would always rebid um so and update my offer and update what I've
information I've put in so I think it's maybe a bit naive on behalf of whoever's thought this idea up uh that that a lot
of biders would just go yeah it's fine just take my old bid I don't really care about writing a new one the complication
with the open Frameworks comes then not that that's not complicated already uh
I'm just going to try and open a curtain I shut them over because I got winter sun coming and it was blinding me and now it's gone and and I look like I'm
sat in the dark um the complication comes when you do limit the number of suppliers so it's a
framework that's initially established uh and say there's a a maximum number of three um three suppliers on each
lot when the supplier then goes when the buyer then goes to refresh the framework
if all three providers want to stay on where do we go then so what has to happen
then well the guidance that's been given is that there's only the bottom two options so if you're one of those
existing three suppliers you can either roll the D and say just use my last tender score so use my initial tender
and just just take the scores from that um and then they will review any and evaluate any of the new bids coming
in or you can render and again you know if it's a if it's if it's a limited
number of participants there's new people putting in brand new bids I don't know a lot of bid teams that would just
not bother to to update or refresh or redo their tender in that instance because in that instance obviously there
there significant uh room there for you to potentially lose your place on the
framework and this is the uh example that's uh being given so you can see
here um basically within the initial version of the framework I'll just pull this on because I'm going to talk
through but you'll get this as an example first iteration of the framework you can see there supplier a b and c all
one the places on it great when it goes to do its refresh Point there's two new
suppliers entered uh the bidding pool suppliers d and e now now in this example supplier a said you know what
we're 85% we're well ahead of everybody else just take our pass score they didn't didn't bother redoing their bids
so so they've kept their place suppliers B and C decided to refresh their bids to
render and as you can see there supplier B increased their score a bit supplier C decreased their score a bit that then m
means that supplier D in this example Leap Frogs Leap Frogs over supplier C
and get be gets that third spot on the framework so that's how they think it
will work in practice and there are benefits to it because it you know it keeps the keeps the framework fresh it
allows new people in I just don't think that in if that that would be useful I
guess if it was like a 10 year or a 15E framework something like that but for this to have to happen twice within
eight years effectively you're going to end up as a procurement person running three procurements in eight years
instead of two now as I said the vast majority of people in practice have said to me there's absolutely no way I'd
bother doing this we're just going to run closed Frameworks but then I also know that Crown commercial Service uh I
know who who have had a bit of a battering this week over uh other framework issues um have said that they
are going to go for this version of Frameworks for the ones that are due up just after uh the ACT goes live they've
actually delayed the procurement of a framework to get it out under the procurement act so they can run it as an
open framework so and I think that a lot of the public sector are going are looking to what they do and you'll see
that being replicated across other authorities so maybe keep an eye on those if you want to see how this works
out but it just seems like a bit of a nonsense in practice to be honest um but again my that's my my personal opinion
uh and and it's been echoed by a few colleagues as well so that's open Frameworks sorry Jeremy go just a quick
question Laur had asked this sounds very much like a DPS um question mark but it it it sort
of does sort of doesn't does it because it's in effect it's rolling uh but yeah
DPS is different because uh the clients have to send every tender to everyone
and there's no direct award opportunities they're a bit of a different Beast DPSS aren't they to this
yeah and and they're phasing out DPSS so DPSS that are currently in play have to
um Cease to Exist by the 23rd of February 2029 so they've got a fouryear
life after the ACT goes live and they're going to be replaced by Dynamic markets which are essentially DPS is where you
just do the initial selection stage you're on there and you know it's a competitive tender then to to sort of
Win Win business from from that Dynamic Market once it's established so this is still a framework because it's still the
full shebang you know it's still selection and award to establish it uh it's just these entry points and I can
see what they've tried to do uh they've tried to sort of say well let's try and make it a bit more let's not keep
procuring but trying to you basically getting three lots of procurement in an eight-year period rather than a
four-year period um so a lot of people are saying what's what's the point in it so I'm Keen to see what what way crown
commercial go with it and if it makes sense I might know a little bit actually Gemma because I was in Parliament
yesterday um I know I saw that and things so the mood music was so you you
might have noticed that Crown Commercial Services have released management consulting for
uh which I've G path a bit about because they've done a whole host of stuff that they didn't warn anyone about they
didn't tell them it was coming it was three months late and then didn't tell anyone it was out um and there's a you
know they've they've suddenly asked for evidence within your 2,000 per component and things uh but the main one of the
big commercial issues with it is that it's come out as a two-year framework not a four-year
framework um and it's because the government haven't fully settled on what they want from these things and so I
suspect the towards these open Frameworks is because as the new industrial strategy and the spending
review comes around in the spring that might change the direction of travel on some things so I think
interesting it's about ccs and generally government being needing to be more Fleet of foot as they try and deal the
extreme lack of money knocking about and still M yeah so I think it's something
to do with that definitely it's uh it's it's still fresh
isn't it the uh the change over of government and you know do forget that sometimes
but it's yeah we just just want to keep an eye on see whether they work in practice see if they take off but I have
a feeling that they might not take off that well but well you can hold me to that later um there's been additional um
information put out since we talked last uh in regards to remedy so remedies being challenge for people aren't
familiar with the kind of um the wording of it this basically means what your right is as a supplier if the
procurement has been unfair or you don't feel like it's been carried out uh correctly according to the rules and
regulations um we'll still have to go to the high court uh but what I find
interesting is that in terms of what the high court can hear challenges on there
are a few areas that they spec it specifically says they're not allowed to
investigate any claims against first one being if a buyer is considered barriers to
smmes second one is if the buyers had regard to that National procurement policy statement so they're being told
they've got to do it but then actually if you don't do it there's no real challenge over it and that is the social value and sustainability piece and also
for below threshold contracts the rules around those can't be challenged in a high court either so I just find this a
little bit disappointing because it's basically everything there is just compounding issues for smaller suppliers
in my opinion you know it's sort of it's sort of cailing the ability to actually challenge anything uh when you're being
treated UNF unfairly we're going to look at the procurement review unit in a minute maybe they'll mop up uh the
excess there or all the issues there that that can't be raised but it just seems like a bit it makes everything a
little bit toothless you know everything's oh smmes remove barriers for SES consider smmes but then oh by
the way if you don't do that then there's no real problem with it cuz no going to say anything uh they've they've said that
the automatic suspension of a contract or the award of a contract I should say can only be applied during the eight
working day standstill period so that's important to know so if you want to stop a contract being entered into you must
do it during that eight-day working period you can still raise a challenge after that but the the what once that
you you've sort of got past that period uh the sort of you know damages and awards that you'll get in your favor are
definitely uh lessened after that 8-day period you've got 30 days to raise your
challenge from when you knew or ought to have known about the breach so so it's tightened up and given very specific
time frames in regards to raising challenge uh remedies so the remedies being sort of you know the measures that
the high court can put in place uh in if they uphold a challenge so if they find in your favor um if it's pre-contract so
if it's before that contract details notice has has been published then you uh dual stage of the um award procedure
they can uh set aside so that's that you know sort of invalidate invalidating the
decision uh and sort of usually making the procurement start again they can mandate corrective actions so where you
know potentially maybe if you've complained that there's a conflict of interest on the um evaluation panel they
could you know stop the award of contract and and advise The Authority that they've got to reevaluate the
tenders with that person not on the panel or something like that you've got being awarded damages so you can still
be awarded damages uh pre-contractual and then there's any other appropriate orders that that the
court seem so that that's kind of where it can go uh in the future if you raise a challenge pre
contractually post contractually obviously things get a little bit more difficult because what the high court
has to balance then is what's in the best public interest in terms of of monetary so obviously if you've stopped
something before before it started then it's much easier to manage if a contract's already been started even if
there's found to be uh you know a valid challenge against that decision the court has to weigh up the cost of of
removing that service paying damages to one person setting it up again what you know that they have to calculate that
and decide the best way to go um they are still allowed to set aside the contract so they can nullify the
contract in that phase uh they can again award damages and they can also modify
the contract terms um so for example as it says there they can say it's not in
public interest or it's not practical to determinate that contract but instead of it being a four-year contract you can
have 12 months and in that 12 months the team has to repr procure uh for the remaining three years or something like
that so that's where we're going to in the future now I mentioned the procurement review unit there apologies
the graphic is a bit fuzzy here I actually stole it from a crown Commercial Services webinar uh did a
little cheeky screen grab but for those of you that don't know there will be this enhanced version
of the mystery shopper service that will be available uh under the procurement act and it has these three strands um
within its remit so the first two there are related to monitoring buyer activity
which would be very interesting to see how how much teeth that has and how much action it actually takes I know the mystery shopper service does you know
very similar job and recommends corrective actions but but the compliance review service is basically a
proactive service so the one in the middle the the public procurement review service is the mystery shopper service
you as a supplier or any other stakeholder can go and raise an issue a complaint for them to go and investigate
uh related to how are procurement is being carried out so very similar the compliance review service is actually
going to be proactively auditing um buying organizations and Contracting
authorities to make sure that they are work working in line with the requirements and the ethos of the
procurement act so things like um are you doing pre-market engagement why aren't you producing pre-market
engagement notices uh you haven't published your annual kpis against that
particular contract and they have the power to put in place quality improvement plans with Contracting
authorities uh and if they so choose they can make those public so if a particular Authority and I'm sure those
of you on the call will know every time I do this in a in an open training session they'll say oh like such and such that always do this or they always
do that the idea is that this this unit will then put an improvement plan in place for that Authority and they have
to meet the terms of it and they can actually publish it and make it public as well be very interesting to see if
they go to those lents and which authority is the first one who has its uh school report published with its uh
its bad behavior noted down on I'm sure nobody wants to to uh to have that Accolade the final one is the dearment
review service so some of you might have heard about the debarment process so this is a going to be a publicly
available list of any supplier that ticks the wrong box on the mandatory and
discretionary exclusions in the selection questionnaire um
this procurement review unit will basically see any CH so Bas the process
is that the buyer sees it either through you you've ticked the wrong box on the form or say for example poor performance
perance on a contract they then have to notify the review unit about that because that will be something you have
to tick in the future the review unit will then investigate that and it's
quite a lengthy process um you know it's not a case if you tick the wrong box on a form once and someone pushes a button
and you go on this public list of of bad suppliers uh they basically do an investigation you're allowed to make
representations for yourself um you can challenge it you can appeal it they give you a standstill period when they notify
you're going to go on it if you challenge it during that period it withholds you going on it till they've investigated the challenge so it's it's
a bit of a lengthy process and again I've heard mixed reviews from people about how effective uh they think this
will or won't be um we'll have to wait and see in practice we'll have to see
see what happens um I don't know what that list is going to look like um they
haven't said you know they say there's going to be a public list of suppliers I don't know whether that's going to be a
page on the central digital platform form I don't know if you're going to have your profile tagged in some way I
I've got no idea nobody knows yet what this is actually going to look like so that is the the procurement review unit
so you might want to keep an eye on that one as well uh because that would be your first Port of Call and I think the
purpose of it is to try and remove the amount of things that go to court challenges and the costs associated with
this so this also potentially is a bit of an arbitration service um between disgruntled suppliers and the buyer
Community now we get on to the central digital platform so I've obviously already sort of teed this up by talking
about what it is so this is the place the find attender service where every buyer will in the future have a profile
uh with users underneath them every supplier will also have a profile um and
uh notices will be tagged and coded definitely against the buyers but I don't know whether it'll be tagged and
coded against the suppliers at the moment I think that was the original intention but they seem to be having problems with the uh API on
it the it was originally obviously supposed
to be ready by the TW for the 28th of October that didn't happen we were then told that it would be ready and you
could see it by the end of this month and you know we sort of like oh we'll HED our bets and do the 29th of November
then but obviously it hasn't turned up yet um so we're still waiting on it but
they did release that additional information which I've given you link to um in one of the earlier slides so what
do we know about it what have they actually confirmed about it firstly buyers will be able to register on it
from late January now considering every buyer has to be registered on it
correctly by the 24th of February in order to do any business so they can't publish any notices like contract
notices award notices anything uh if they've not got a a registration on this
platform um they're not going to even be allowed to log in and try to get on it till late January which I think for most
people uh I orig initial alarm Bells there you know You' got the whole of the
public sector needing to register on it what if there's issues with it what if they need to redo stuff on it it doesn't
seem like an awful lot of time to me uh to get that on compounding that for us
mere suppliers exact quote from the the guidance there is no hurry to get
suppliers registered apparently there's no there's no hurry because in in their mind uh the people that are creating
this they're saying well if the first say the first tender notice contract
notices are going to be called tender notices going forward if the first tender notice isn't published until the
24th of February or the 25th of February and that's like a month or six weeks
then the first suppliers that we need to to allocate work to because you have to be registered on it so you cannot be
awarded a public sector contract after the 24th of February unless you're registered as a supplier on this
system and they're just thinking well the suppliers that are interested in that one have got six weeks to log on I
don't think they've got any comprehension that as soon as it goes live the vast majority of responsible suppliers are going to want to go and
log on and register on it and get a profile sorted on it but it just seems to be this very uh Blas approach to just
like yeah suppliers can just sign up as they go you know when they got a tender they want to apply for or when they want
to look for a tender or they can just you know they can just apply as they go it's not a big deal I thing is hugely
naive and I think it's going to cause it'll be like trying to get a wasis tickets all over again we'll all just be sat there with computers crashing and
things loading for for decades just hoping we get to the end of something without it cashing us out or losing our
place in the queue or whatever it is within that platform what you're going to be required to do is to have a
profile so your your company will have its own profile on there um you will have to complete what they're calling
your supplier information and I'll give you the list of what that is on the next slide uh in a second um and this is the
bit for me where the madness I feel like of sort of you know Alice in Wonderland at this point so the current
understanding and the current way it's due to work is that you will as a supplier your journey is going to be
find a notice on find attender service click on that notice that notice
will still say go out to Delta proactis wherever you log in there you download
your tender documents you review them decide to bid on the opportunity then when you need to upload
your bid you have to go back into the central digital platform and generate a
unique code give that code to whichever ecenter you're using and that will then
let them read it let it pull your supplier information across from that
system the new Central digital platform into the procurement platform you're
using where you're actually uploading your tender documents I thought that this would be
an Ask once thing so like once I've put given that code to Delta or wherever it just has my information stored
apparently that's not the case apparently you have to generate a unique code for every single procurement uh which seems like a
Madness to me um also this new system uh doesn't check or verify any
information so you type it in the system doesn't have any verification process so
we just assume it's correct and then it's still up to the individual buyers
to check that information it also doesn't allow obviously the Project
Specific questions so what you might then have to do is upload that SQ but then the eprocurement system will then
have additional selection stage questions then your it and your your pricing submission as as well so for
something that's supposed to be made making everything easier in an Ask want's thing for me it's I think you can
tell by my tone how I how I feel about it I just think it's again something that it hasn't been thought through
correctly from a user point of view and certainly not from suppliers you know for buyers they register on it once they
will use a platform like Delta or proactor or whatever to create their noes in they ping them in it'll link
automatically for them it's a lot easier even if you've already logged in uh to find a tender if you've got a login you
have to re-register I'd like to know what that process looks like and I'm sure there'll be bugs and issues around using the same emails and things like
that um but they have promised that there will be more guidance and videos
um due to come um to help us uh navigate this new workflow that we're going to
have to work with in tenders and I think you know that's just a a major faf
mature bidding teams will get used to that faf and we'll learn and adapt and and sort of go with it um I just think
when you think about you know smaller businesses ones with limited resour maybe your third sector organizations
people new saying I'll give this public sector malar AO I think this is just like one of those things that might just
be a step too far for people and it just is like a level of of ridiculous process that I just don't think people have uh
will have a lot of patience for so the information that you'll be asked for so you'll go on you'll create
a company profile and I believe you can have users within that profile so more than one person can access the the the
account but again haven't seen inside of it yet um your basic information so the
part one of the uh the standard selection questionnaire you know your company name and and all that sort of
stuff uh they will ask you for copies of your accounts from the most recent Financial years and again I it will be
your responsibility to keep updating them manually I don't think there'll be anything automated to remind you
uh You' got to put in your connected person so this will have quite a big impact because they're going to tighten up on this in the SQ stage around the
connected persons and what they've been involved in and what they haven't done so they want a lot more visibility over
that uh and then you will also have your mandatory and discretionary exclusions in there as well um so that also should
link probably to that deartment list wherever that exists uh in the metaverse in the future um so that's what they're
going to ask you for so you can see there's nothing in there you'll still need to be asked about you know things like your references your insurances all
that sort of stuff so you'll have this it'll go over but then anything sort of
after the uh what you see in the current standard selection questionnaire everything you see after the exclusions
they're gonna have to ask that all in the portal anyway and you're still going to have to type out that bit of it demo
we we had a quick question does does the supplier code have an expiry time frame
uh I believe so I think that um I think that's why it's like a want code I don't know what that is but that's why you
have to keep giving it over and over again so for for different ones so I think that it has a limited and I've
also been told again this was like the initial development earlier on this year whether they' got to this point or not
that they you could have multiple versions of your supplier information you know for example if you would you
know have different companies or sometimes you're your parent company and sometimes you're the UK entity or whatever apparently you can have sort of
different versions of it was the original intention um I I know that they did demo it at an event um a local
government event last week but I couldn't go to it because I was um I was delivering training for for a change um
but uh I sort of asked Lindsay Maguire directly and said when is this going to
be available for anybody to actually look at in the general public and she said oh we're working on our videos and stuff at the moment we'll have something
available soon so okay soon hopefully this side of
Christmas but I'm guessing not yeah I'm I'm just conscious time J We're because we've got a bit we've got a few
questions to get through as well so yeah I'll just do this National procurement policy statement is the last bit and
then we're ready for questions awesome um so I've already mentioned the reissue
of the the national procurement policy statement they did do a very short St stakeholder survey which closed earlier
this month to try and Garner opinions although it wasn't widely publicized um it should be re sorry j it was it was
out over half term as well wasn't it yeah so a lot of people missed it um
should be issued this side of Christmas but again we don't know and it should be updated in line with labor party policy
and just a quick quick couple of headlines so what I believe this to sort of mean based on what they've said pre
and post uh election uh expect it to contain some kind of ring fencing
favoritism of uk- based businesses but that causes a huge headache with compliance with our Trea trade
agreements like the GPA and the trans uh Pacific partnership so we'll have to see what happens with that uh Fair payment
terms for supply chain you know they've been in the news even talking about private sector revealing supply chain
payments uh recognition of trade unions and fair working terms so flexible working terms Etc might play a part in
in that policy statement they've mentioned a national procurement plan but nobody knows what that means whether they're talking about rationalizing the
rail and you know National energy I'm not sure uh but also there's a a real
focus on growth in future jobs sectors so looking at where the projected growth
is and targeting activity towards them and also tackling uh unemployment poor
mental health uh as well in terms of barriers to people being able to enter
uh the labor market so that's kind of the end of my bit cool thank you very
much just on the uh National procur plan bit so as I said I was in Parliament yesterday to meet Mike Rita just to
check he was all right really my mate who's become an MP but uh in order to do that I had to sign up for some
engineering conference thing that was being held in on the Terrace uh which
was enthralling obviously um but there was a talk by a guy called John love day
who's one of the directors at the IPA the big projects um sort of government
Hub that are overseeing all of the big nuclear projects hs2 prisons and all of
that stuff and he mentioned there's kind of a waterfall effect so you've got a lot of people thought when the budget
happened we would suddenly know lots of things about you know funding and what was going to happen into the future in
reality there's very little detail really in the budget so it doesn't really tell you what's going to happen with National Hospital program and
things like that but the reason why is there's going to be a spending review in the spring which will be connected and
will come at the same time uh as a national indust industrial strategy at
at the top and below that in effect you'll have the national procurement plan aligned with it and okay the
pipeline of big National construction projects and the Investments government going to make green
Investments uh etc etc so there should be this pyramid effect or waterfall effect down from the industrial strategy
to determine in you know what they're going to invest in in including investing
um you know the national wealth fund and pensions money and all sorts of stuff so that's quite exciting sounds quite
clever or to be honest with you bloody Common Sense isn't it really um yeah actually joining things up in a line
instead of doing them at Hop randomly be nice to have a plan wouldn't it what the country is meant to be doing so um yeah
that's all up for grabs then so uh we best uh tackle uh all of the questions we've had the quintessential classic
will they be sent a copy of the slides yes we can do that g if you don't mind sending sending me a PDF directly
afterwards uh an email will go out uh to all of you and everyone in our database
tomorrow morning with a copy of a link to the recording and a copy of the the
deck or a link to the deck so we'll we'll do that tomorrow morning uh so thank you for that
uh so let's go backwards through the content so uh Ann Lee if a tender
evaluation is extended it could expire oh brilliant so that's more of an ex
exclamation of frustration rather than a question I'd meant to filter out a few
of those uh guessing that conflict of interest uh will be asked separately per
tender um yes that's right yeah so they're supposed to have an an individual um conflict of interest and
there's a specific form and there's specific three categories of conflicts they've got to assess for each tender uh
pre- tender and they've got to highlight where the conflicts are and what they're going to do about it in the process to
mitigate uh those cool um Anna's also asked the the the disbarment list the
naughty list will that start off blank and then people then it will build or is
it going to start pre-populated with people who are already on the naughty step no I I believe everything is um
forward so like that they they've said that obviously the the purpose of doing all the new notices and stuff as well as
and this was to to gain more strategic data on spend that's why they're being quite tight over making sure everything
at least gets a contract details notice so they've got a better picture of spend and I was told that it's building from
zero so it's a new database so they said it will take at least 80 months to two years to be able to draw any meaningful
strategic data out of it so yeah it'll be blanked and again who went who gets the crown for being the first person on
it interesting to watch I could I could think of some candidates um my friend Michelle B has
asked uh so you can't go on it by accident essentially um was what we were
the platform is this uh no the list of naughty steps no you can't no it's it's it's not
so it's not like an automated process uh although the fact that you have to do your your selection um stage information
or supplier information I should say in the platform is those exclusions it would make sense to me
logically that if you tick the wrong box it fires you into list or fires you into
that dearment process with the procurement review unit but um yeah I as far as I know no it's not automatic
there's a process cool Okie do so Michelle's happy about that uh did uh Kate uh k sorry is
asked did CCS reveal which framework is being held back until post 24th of Feb
to be issued as an open framework so I know do you know what for
did know what it was it's not in my head at the moment K I'll have a look at that one I've got it because I was discussing
it with people at the time that it happened so I'll have it somewhere but I don't have it with me at the moment it's not my Warren is saying it's tech
services for and she thinks it's RB 6295 which is
catchy uh well done team we've devised it between us RS so uh oh an's asking
what is ts4 d os7 question
mark uh just just FRA the I think that's just a reference to the
framework okay yeah yeah uh cool so let's get through all of that uh oh
we've done that one uh my mate Paul Collins was asking when an open framework reopens does it
have to be on the exact same set of requirements contracts policies Etc as
the original urement if not uh can they uh be changed uh it really diminishes
any benefit to the buyer surely in repr procuring the thing uh yeah so no they're not allowed
to change it basically it has to stay largely on the same terms um unless there was a new requirement you know
like say they've updated the standard selection questionnaire in the in between or those a new mandatory requirement they can add those in but it
largely has to stay the same M of course it does
um when suppliers ask for a rescore review would this involve resubmission
update of the submission or only the docs that are previously submitted so do you get another bite at
the Cherry I guess um is that in relation to when you get
rescored on the framework I'm guessing yeah so do
can you read that one again uh no I can't i' I've gone and I
think it was just around the rescoring basically no I think that you have to choose a path and you're on that path then so like I saw one there asking as
well about whether say if you do choose to redo your tender and you come out with a lower score can you say oh you
know forget that just use the old one no I think you've got to pick a path and stick to it and if you're rendering you
would have to render along with all of those other organ ization so it would be like a full reter but and that's why
this that's the sort of Madness within the system of like why on Earth would a buying Authority want to do that every couple of years I don't know it must be
if things are changing uh oh Warren had seen an opportunity only three months ago uh
looking for a supplier to partner on the central digital platform which suggests it's nowhere near uh and what you're
saying Gema about their appalling behaviors towards us as suppliers you know I'll leave that to last minute
they'll figure it out you're right that's going to really inhibit smmes or to be honest with you
GMA I find uh the maturity of companies with anything below a thousand people um
is fairly immature um and so I think there's going to be some bumps uh somebody anonymous
had asked uh how is pricing being regarded with regard to existing
framework suppliers to new entrance three years on so I guess is that this that open framework bit because the
incumbents may be a lot cheaper I guess they've got embodied knowledge haven't
they yeah it is again it's one of those things that we just don't know till we see in practice what this is actually
going to look like because again but equally a new supplier might have already seen the existing pricing and
then be able to underprice just it it commercially I don't really understand how it's going
to work either it's one of the many any whatif scenarios with that those open Frameworks that the more you look at
different strands of it the more you think this just doesn't bloody make sense at all uh I'm sure it won't all come at a
crushing point in February well I guess that's do you think it will get uh push
back again Gemma or do you think I have my very I'm starting to build strong
suspicions that it will yes uh I think that and I'm wondering what excuse they're going to pull out the bag
because last time they said it was because of that National procurement policy statement which didn't make any sense because the whole purpose of it
was that it was a standalone um thing I feel like unless they have a lot of
magic elves that like working overtime over Christmas um then I think that we
might see a further delay but I might I might be wrong but I I I'm starting to
hear more and more Whispers that we might see it start to to get delayed again yeah interesting and what what do
clients think about this local authorities health health authorities central government what are The Vibes
you're getting from procurement friends um they feel overwhelmed and exasperated and it's like I said it's
almost like white noise too much information um you know that they're sort of being fed things drip fed things
they've done the training they don't feel like the training is it's just basically made them learn the facts again it hasn't helped them know what to
change in practice a lot of them are saying well we get halfway to doing something and then we realiz we can't do
that because we still don't know this and they want to communicate and and fix and change things and be ready but a lot
of them are saying like either they're looking for as many ways as possible to keep doing business as usual within the
regs um or they're just sort of saying that they're finding it very difficult to to move forward meaningfully with
it it's really challenging is it I thought I think similar to not wanting to be the first supplier on the nauy
list um no client wants to be the first client to end up in court and lose when
they get yeah absolutely yeah that's the big thing so I remember I did a podcast
with Rebecca ree from trz and Hamlin sort of the top lawyer in the country procurement lawyer in the country um
ages ago now and her top piece of advice is that you know clients are generally
pretty terrified of this um and we need to get our head around it as you are
coming on this webinar um to be able to coach them on how to find their way through it it's kind of
capture of your key opportunities if you've got something that's coming around to rebid after this act comes out
it's a good idea to get ahead of it with the client and Coach them on what works and what doesn't work and how to navigate through this but yeah you need
this kind of expertise um to be able to do that which brings us beautifully to our our final minute I guess so um thank
you very much Gemma uh thank you thanks everyone for your questions no thank you for the
questions so we not quite made it through all of them but I think we've done okay um and so uh if you would like
to get into the detail of this and the specifics for your business Gemma is
available uh to engage we've we've just got a client reached out to us today actually um who wants a webinar for all
of their key uh leaders on the procurement act specific to their business and sector um that gemer and I
are going to facilitate so do reach out to us um you know you'll get an email tomorrow with a bit of a link to to to
reach out to us on it but do reach out to us if you think there's a need in your business to brief your people and leaders client facing people Etc uh
because you do need to be experts in this stuff actually which is difficult as it keeps moving uh and we'll build a
bit of a community around it maybe let's see if it gets kicked into the long grass again we'll probably have to do
another one of these in six months time Gemma it's always a do do reach out and um have a great
weend everybody uh we'll see you next time thanks very much Gemma thank you thank you everybody see
you next time