About the project
Jeremy led a project to redefine processes, land best practices and train people nationally in how to win work and write great bids
The Challenge
The business had inconsistent use of outdated processes, with a mixed bag of tools deployed in pockets if at all. The pipeline was short in vision and mixed in data quality. In particular, the COO Zoe Price (now Group CEO), asked Jeremy to develop client and key consultant account management and capture management approaches, processes and tools – to drive far better longer-term pursuit of opportunities and improvement in client experience. And to improve win rates in the end game of bidding.
The Solution
Maturity Benchmarking – Jeremy ran a maturity session with the UK construction board to pinpoint areas of focus and weakness, creating a prioritised plan of attack.
Design of processes and tools – Jeremy led on a three-month end-to-end work winning process design work-stream with the new Director of Winning Work, detailing gaps in current process, required enhancements and roles and responsibilities, working with the quality management function to have new processes embedded in their ISO9001 quality management system.
Design of training materials – Jeremy worked with a national steering group of pre-construction and bid leaders to design new training materials spanning winning-work and bid writing.
Digitisation of process, tools and training videos – Jeremy built an enterprise toolkit website site detailing all the new processes, interlinked with all the required templates in the company back- end QMS, with micro-learning training videos embedded for 24/7 on-the-job learning.
Delivery of live training – Jeremy led the delivery of training to all the work winning functions across the country in winning-work and bid writing, with separate focused sessions for framework managers and account managers in sales skills, account growth and client experience.
Live delivery – Jeremy led and then transitioned to coaching capture teams on key long-term pursuits, including the National Hospital Programme and the Prisons FAC-1 Alliance.
Coaching – Jeremy provided further coaching to MDs, pre- construction leads, framework managers and Key Account Management leads
Lesson learned – lastly, Jeremy facilitated lessons learned workshops on key bids, including the Prisons Alliance bid
The Result
The construction business grew their revenue by 23% and their forward orderbook by 21% the following year. They began to win larger and larger projects, such as the £600m Sunset Studios and British Volt, as a result of better capture of key targets. Business performance has faltered since for various reasons, including clients delaying projects, but their ability to win work and grow hasn’t.